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The T-shirt: The Undervalued and Underappreciated Storyteller

Thanks to John Bassford at Heavy Handed for letting us share this great post featuring three t-shirts from the Oldskull Express Collection. Check out the original post and the rest of his site at 
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I take offense to the phrase or phrases similar to“I’m not one for dressing up–I’m a t-shirt and jeans kind of guy.” How dare you insult the T-shirt and relegate it to simple fashion. The T-shirt is to be just as respected, if not more, than other items in your wardrobe due to its simplicity–not written off because you have disdain for what you define as “style” or “dressing up.” 

Oldskull Yokohama Automatics Japanese Moto Racing T-shirt

 If you think of your wardrobe and committing to an aesthetic, you have to think more on the harmony, not just the instruments. We get caught up in finding these big statement pieces for our wardrobe but not really tuning in the rest of our clothing. Now, this is where things can either get a little big picture or granular, so bear with me.

If you like certain silhouettes over wardrobe story-telling, it’s easy. You know what shapes look good on your body and you’ve created a great silhouette-based uniform. Me during the summer? Catch me in a loose fit, shortsleeve, button-up or a t-shirt and shorts all day every day. I enjoy this because I get to play with color and don’t really have to worry about it looking good in regards to shape or staying true to my brand. It’s what I like and I get to wear it for work–that’s what I call a win-win friends.

Oldskull Shogun Japanese Skull Samurai t-shirt

However, there is another style of dressing/styling and that’s what I’d like to touch on–wardrobe story telling. Once upon a summer, I got REAL deep into Japanese Rockabilly. Why? Because 5 Seconds of Summer can write fucking BOPS, man–plain and simple. Despite such a mainstream introduction to the culture, I found it extremely fascinating and found it to be a diving board into Japanese moto culture (not to be confused with the Japanese word Moto, which means the origin or the cause). As I dove deeper, there was something within that culture which resonated with me on a spiritual level and when you find something like that, I believe it necessary to incorporate it into your style because that is the real you. For me? Japanese moto culture captured that desire to express myself and my desire to be who I want to be. That’s why I like brands like Old Skull because they capture that vibe for me. They have fun and vibrant designs that help me show the world my passion and help create an entire story of why I loveJapanese moto culture. 

Oldskull Hokusai great wave vintage Japanese rising sun t-shirt

So when you say you’re “just a t-shirt and jeans kind of person,” reflect on that statement and think about that t-shirt you’re wearing. Is the t-shirt you’re wearing really representing you? Don’t miss an aspect of building a fuller, deeper wardrobe by simplifying it. Explore the complexities of the T-shirt world and also, give Old Skull a look! They have a lot of designs that might resonate with you.

Let your wardrobe tell a story–even when you’re not trying,


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